2014 Annual PAPOR Conference

Agenda and Presentations


Note: The original agenda was altered due to complications arising from a storm and the resulting power outage.
What follows is the revised agenda.

8:00am – 10:30am Short Course 1: Using Survey Data to Identify Causal Relationships: Designing & Administering Survey Experiments
10:30am – 10:45 Mid-Morning break – Sponsored by SSI
10:45am – 1:15pm Short Course 2: Expanding the Survey Landscape: Cultural Aspects of Sampling, Nonresponse, and Measurement
8:30am – 10:00am Panel 1
A New Method for Pre-Election Polling: A Critical Test, Michael Barber, Quin Monson, and Kelly Patterson, Brigham Young University; Peyton Craighill and Scott Clement, Washington Post; Christopher B. Mann, Louisiana State University
Which Ad? Oh Yeah, That One: Improving Ad Effectiveness Questions Through Priming, Tom Wells, Antonia Toupet, and Samantha Mowrer, Nielsen, presentation
A Comparison of Smart Phone, Tablet, and Desktop/Laptop Responses in a Web Survey, Leora Lawton, TechSociety Research and UC Berkeley; Donald Wolf, Jr., Tuition Financing, Inc.
Separating the Wheat from the Tare: Identifying Which Combinations of Satisficing Tests are Most Effective, Paul Johnson, SSI
A Neighborhood-Based Approach to Understanding Health and Healthy Living in Urban Communities, Vashuda Narayanan, Denise St. Clair, & Katelyn Duffy, Westat, presentation
10:00am – 10:15am AAPOR Presentation – AAPOR Presentation, Mollyann Brodie, AAPOR Vice President/President-Elect
10:15am – 10:30am



Poster Session and Break

Legalization of Marijuana in Colorado, presentation

Consensus Seeking in Beijing, Zhang, presentation

10:30am – 12:15pm Panel 2:
Uncommon Sample, Unique Insights: Assessing a 200,000 Respondent Pre-Election Survey, Jon Cohen, SurveyMonkey
Can Local Pre-Election Polls Influence Voting? Evidence from Two Randomized Experiments, David L. Vannette, Stanford University and Sean J. Westwood, Princeton University
California: The Great Exception in a Nation Increasingly Voting Republican, Mark DiCamillo, Field Research
Nationalized Colorado Election: Forecasts and Polling, Floyd Ciruli, Ciruli Associates
12:15pm – 1:15pm Lunch and PAPOR Chapter Meeting
1:30pm – 3:00pm Panel 3:
Is Democracy Being Served? Innovations for Reaching Cell Phone Users in a TPCA-Driven Environment, Mary McDougall, CFMC, presentation
A Sentiment-al Journey: Text and Sentiment Analysis of Online Discussion Responses, Susan Corbelli and Anya Suneson, presentation
A Neuroscience Experiment to Measure Subconscious Reactions to Data Collection Materials, Tom Wells & Ingrid Nieuwenhuis, Nielsen, presentation
Using Social Media to Measure Public Opinion, Jon Cohen, SurveyMonkey
3:00pm – 4:30pm





Panel 4:

Do More Intense Recruitment Efforts Lead to Lower Completion Rates of Subsequent Waves in a Longitudinal Panel Study?, Eran N. Ben-Porath, SSRS; Mollyann Brodie and Bianca DiJulio, The Kaiser Family Foundation; Kasey Meehan, SSRS

Developing a Research Program at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, Mark E. Vande Kamp, Seattle-Tacoma International Airport Lessons in Survey Methodology for Research Focused on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Populations, Amy Simon & Rebekah Orr, Goodwin Simon Strategic Research