2018 Annual PAPOR Conference
Agenda and Presentations
Download the full 2018 Conference Program
8:00AM – 10:15AM | Short Course 1: Optimizing Sampling Frames, Ashley Hyon (Marketing Systems Group) (Presentation) |
10:30AM – 12:45PM | Short Course 2: Best Practices for Surveys of Teens, Laura Wronski (SurveyMonkey) |
2:10PM – 3:40PM | Panel 1: Collecting Voter Opinions: Methods and Subgroups |
Chair: Danell Brewster (EDD)
Measuring Attitudes Towards National Security Whistleblowers, Harry Noone (Southern Oregon University) (Presentation) The Role of Suburban Voters in 2018 and (Perhaps?) 2020, Ashley Kirzinger (Kaiser Family Foundation) and Eran Ben-Porath (SSRS) (Presentation) Proposition Polling a la Mode, Dean Bonner (PPIC) (Presentation) Voters’ Love Hate Relationship with Political Advertising, Edward Paul Johnson (Research Now SSI) (Presentation) |
4:00PM – 5:30PM | Panel 2: Data Quality Considerations in Survey Design and Analysis |
Chair: Matthew Foy (EDD)
Examining the Relationship Between Survey Trolling and Gender Identity Questions, Erin Pinkus (SurveyMonkey) (Presentation) 6 Years of Diary Data Collection: From Design to Data Quality, Tania Gutsche (Center for Economic and Social Research, University of Southern California) (Presentation) Examination of Nonresponse Follow-up Impact on Amerispeak Panel Data Quality, Stefan Subias (NORC) (Presentation) Survey Design and Analysis in Class Action Wage and Hour Cases, Jeff Petersen (Allman & Petersen Economics) (Presentation) When only the other side is to blame: Order effects and motivated reasoning in judgments of free speach, inciting violence, and sexual assault allegations, Rebecca H. Grady (UC Irvine) (Presentation) |
6:00PM – 8:30PM | Plenary event: The 2018 Mid-Term Elections: Polling and the Media |
Scott Clement (The Washington Post) Katie Orr (KQED) Moderated by: Amy Simon (Goodwin Simon Strategic Research) |
8:30PM – 10:00PM | Insights Association / PAPOR Holiday Meet-up: |
Chesty’s Bar (top floor of Marines’ Memorial) | |
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2018 | |
8:30am – 10:00am | Panel 3: Election Issues in the Western States |
Chair: Bianca DiJulio (Kaiser Family Foundation)
A Health Care Election in Nevada and Colorado? Findings from Two Pre-Election Surveys, Bryan Wu (Kaiser Family Foundation) (Presentation) Interest, attention, and enthusiasm in the California 2018 Midterms, Lunna Lopes (PPIC) Red & Blue in the Evergreen State: Shifting Urban, Suburban, and Rural Party Allegiances in the Age of Trump, H. Stuart Elway (Elway Research) (Presentation) Keep Utah Weird: Partisan Races and Ballot Issues in 2018, Kyrene Gibb (Y2 Analytics) (Presentation) The Partisan Gender Gap among California Voters, Alyssa Dykman (PPIC) (Presentation) |
10:45am – 12:15pm | Panel 4: Contemporary Issues in Public Opinion Research |
Chair: Mira Rao (Dropbox)
Loneliness and Social Media in the United States, Cailey Munana (Kaiser Family Foundation) (Presentation) Public Support for Building New Power Plants in the West Coast States: Does Proximity Instigate NIABYism, Warda Ajaz (Oregon State University) Gauging User Acceptance of Uber Air, Tom Wells (Uber) Helping Hands: Using Qualitative Research to Support Quantitative Studies, Jennifer Franz (JD Franz Research, Inc.) (Presentation) Where are the Social Entrepreneurs Active? The effect of Economic Development and Political-Economic Institutions on the Probability of Starting Social Enterprises, Eric Lin (University of Nevada, Reno) |
2:00pm – 3:30pm | Panel 5: International Topics of Public Opinion |
Chair: Jessica Gollaher (Public Health Survey Research Program, CSUS)
Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador: The Issue Voting Paradigm, Francisco Abundis (Parametria) (Presentation) Emigration Attitudes and Public Support for Democracy in Hong Kong, Joel S. Fetzer (Pepperdine University) (Presentation) Envy of the rich is a (moderately important) reason that people favor reducing income inequality: Envy, self-interest, party politics and inequality attitudes in the contemporary USA, Mariah Evans (University of Nevada, Reno) (Presentation) Quality, not Quantity, Shapes Public Evaluation of The Welfare State: Actual Social Spending Is Irrelevant For Life Satisfaction in the EU But Quality of Social Services in Vital, Jonathan Kelley (University of Nevada, Reno) (Presentation) Does an individual’s level of worry and fear affect the likelihood of valuing compassion and altruism? A cross-national, multi-level analysis of 60 countries & 85,000 individuals, Eric Lin (University of Nevada, Reno) (Presentation) |