Past PAPOR Annual Conferences

PAPOR’s Annual Conference provides an ideal opportunity for professional growth and networking in a collegial, friendly setting that also provides ample opportunity for good conversation and fruitful collaboration.

In its ongoing effort to encourage students of public opinion research, PAPOR holds a Student Paper Competition, with a cash award and some travel expenses for the 1st place winner and complementary one-year memberships and spots on the program for the 1st and 2nd place winners. PAPOR’s student competition winner is encouraged to attend the national AAPOR conference in May to present his or her winning paper, with a guaranteed spot on the program.

PAPOR’s annual conferences date back to the 1980s. They were first held at Asilomar in Monterey and then at a variety of other venues in southern California and San Francisco.

In recent years, they have been held over the summer at the University of Washington in Seattle and at KFF in San Francisco. The 2025 Annual Conference is taking place at the Bahia Resort Hotel in San Diego. In even years the PAPOR conference will be held in San Francisco, followed the next year by another destination in the PAPOR region.

Conference Downloads

Permission is granted to download these documents for non-commercial use. Reproduction in any form other than for personal use is prohibited without written permission from the authors.

2024 Agenda and Events

2023 Agenda and Events

2022 Agenda and Events

2021 Agenda and Events

2020 Agenda and Events

2019 Agenda and Downloads

2018 Agenda and Downloads

2017 Agenda and Downloads

2016 Agenda and Downloads

2015 Agenda and Downloads

2014 Agenda and Downloads

2013 Agenda and Downloads


Stay tuned for the next conference!